Morning Message Text: Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Ezra Reads the Law
1 all the people came together as one in the square before the Water Gate. They told Ezra the teacher of the Law to bring out the Book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded for Israel.
2 So on the first day of the seventh month Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, which was made up of men and women and all who were able to understand.
3 He read it aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Water Gate in the presence of the men, women and others who could understand. And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law.
5 Ezra opened the book. All the people could see him because he was standing above them; and as he opened it, the people all stood up.
6 Ezra praised the LORD, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, “Amen! Amen!” Then they bowed down and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.
8 They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read.
9 Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and teacher of the Law, and the Levites who were instructing the people said to them all, “This day is holy to the LORD your God. Do not mourn or weep.” For all the people had been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law.
10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Morning Message:
The book of Nehemiah is well worth the read. As Christians going through peaks and valleys in our faith it would do us well to read this book and take in the lessons it has to teach. The last six chapters of Nehemiah describe the renewal among the people of Israel who were re-establishing a national presence in Jerusalem. That path is open to anyone who wants to experience revival. We often make the mistake as Christians of thinking that revival is for the unsaved. Revival is for those who already know Jesus as their Lord and Savior but have not lived accordingly. You can’t revive something or someone unless they already had life to begin with, that’s the whole meaning of the word.
We can’t, on our own, bring about revival in the church. It takes a movement of God; it’s a Holy Spirit function. I believe that God in many instances creates an atmosphere that is contusive for revival. Sometimes this happens on a very personal level, and we see individuals spiritually revived by the circumstances of their lives. I told you that I don’t believe in luck, and I don’t believe that anything happens in the lives of God’s people by accident or chance. I know that is a controversial stance for me to take because it opens the questions about negative things that happen to us. I am a firm believer in Romans 8: 28; And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I believe that things happen to us all the time to jolt us back and turn us in the direction of God.
God is also at work on a larger scale. As we see in the nation of Israel, God brings about circumstances for his people as a whole, to turn back to him. Israel suffered through years of drought and famine. They were attacked by the surrounding nations and even by nations far away. They were driven from their land and God allowed others to inhabit their homes. Every time, God restored them, healed them and their land, and brought them back from captivity. It would be easy to see these things as punishment, but God used them for correction. There is a difference. God in his love does not punish; he seeks to bring his children to righteousness. I try my best to see God at work in what’s taking place in the world today and in this nation. I believe that God is seeking to correct his church in this nation. The signs are clear if we want to see them. We can pretend that everything is right in our nation, or we can be honest with ourselves and admit that this nation has fallen away. So, what do we do? I already told you that it is up to God to bring revival, so what can we do? We can do what Israel did. The Israelites were making room for God to work. In chapters 8-13 in Nehemiah, we find ten steps to spiritual renewal:
1. Getting back to the book: They focused on God’s Word; they stood for its reading and shed tears over its meaning.
2. Getting serious about obedience: They didn’t just listen; they obeyed.
3. Getting concerned about sin: Are we really concerned about sin?
4. Getting caught up in worship: Do we let worship move us, or do we just move through worship?
5. Becoming accountable for conduct: Do we admit when we are wrong and take credit for our shortcomings?
6. Taking a pledge to give sacrificially: Are we serious enough about giving back to God?
7. Offering themselves for service: Not just your money; your time as well.
8. Giving thanks for God’s goodness: Are we truly thankful enough?
9. Doing away with compromise: I could preach on this one all day. What have we allowed to become acceptable in our lives that we know is not acceptable to God?
10. Confronting sin: This is a step further than being concerned. It’s actually doing something about it.
It is one thing to pray for revival and another all together to seek spiritual renewal. I believe and I know that God is at work in this world, and I know that he is calling this nation to turn back to him. The Church in our nation has, in many ways, lost its way; we need spiritual renewal.
In Christ’s Love and Peace
Pastor Bob
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