March 2, 2025
- Stated Session Meeting: Thursday, March 6, 2025, at 5:00 pm.
- Ash Wednesday Service: March 5. 2025 at 6:00 pm.
- First Sunday in Lent: March 9th. Holy Communion will be celebrated.
- The Sharing Table in the fellowship room has many free items which might interest you. Take a look and find some useful things to take home.
- Our giving for Firstfruits 2025 is underway. Member offerings of $45 should be received by the end of January to aid the work and missions of our Presbytery of Redstone, our Synod of the Trinity, and our General Assembly. Marion Church’s pledge for 2025 is $2475.00.
- Place your $45 offering in an envelope which has your name, date, and Firstfruits-2025 written on the front; if you use offering envelopes please include your envelope number. If you are providing multiple offerings please include all names on your envelope. Place your envelope in the offering plate in the sanctuary, or mail it to the church’s address: 207 Perry Avenue, Belle Vernon PA 15012.
- Coffee & Conversation: the last Sunday of every month. Come any time from 10:00 until 10:45 am.
- The Pearl Stewart Memorial Mission asks you to donate toilet tissue for the Washington Township-Fayette City Food Pantry. Seventy is our goal.
- You can assist with the cost ($12,291.00) of our new furnaces and air conditioner by using one of the gift envelopes on the podium in the entryway. Give directly toward this project (General Fund) or make a gift in memory of a loved one or friend (Memorial Fund). E-mail readers may send your supportive gifts to the church’s address: 207 Perry Avenue, Belle Vernon, PA 15012.
- Elder (past or present) volunteers who would like to assist with the preparation and serving of the sacrament of Our Lord’s Supper please see Ted Wukovich.
- A Kitchen Committee has been established to coordinate church social meal activities. Volunteer today to be a part of the committee’s function. Contact Barbara Bridge to learn more about helping.
- When you return to worship remember to bring your personalized stone for the altar being built.
- Members and friends of Marion Church may mail your offerings to either the church at 207 Perry Avenue, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 or to the Recording Treasurer Desiree Wells at 1158 Connellsville Road, Fayette City, PA 15438. Offerings can also be dropped into the prayer box by the church’s side door.
- Send prayer list additions, deletions, and/or corrections to Terry at
- *Morning worship in our sanctuary will continue weekly at 11:00 am.
PASTORAL SERVICES: If you or your family are in need of pastoral service or would like to talk to Pastor Bob, he can be reached by calling 724-929-6327.
Why do mission?
In Matthew 25:31-46 we learn that the righteous in feeding the hungry, giving a drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, taking care of the sick, and visiting the prisoner were serving Christ without realizing it. Mission should be this natural and easy. But we know it is not always this way, which is why Jesus tells us this story —- to teach us how to become the church our heavenly Father wants us to be. Christ calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to work for justice for all God’s people. Through mission we demonstrate our faith. We are called to act boldly and with compassion.
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