To My Flock at Marion:
Jesus Stands for Us
It seems like a very long time since we last gathered together as a congregation. In conversations that I have had with some of you the same question arises over and over, when will we be able to have church. I wish that I could give you a reasonable answer to that question, but the truth is, I don’t know. The old saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder seems to hold true in this instance. We seldom recognize just how important something or someone is to us until separation occurs. It is my hope that when we can gather again that we will have a new appreciation for the blessing of corporate worship. On Sunday we will celebrate moms, the women of the church. It will seem strange not being in church for this celebration and being able to wish all mothers a happy mother’s day. Personally, this is the second mother’s day for me since I lost my mom and it does seem different to not at least be sending a card. I’m sure that many of you have been going through this feeling, this emotion of loss, and a kind of emptiness on this special day. I only bring this up to help all of us realize that we take people for granted, and we only realize that when they are no longer here. If you are blessed to still have your mom this mother’s day, thank God for that blessing and celebrate the day. If, like me your mom has gone to be with the Lord, praise God for the time that He blest you with her presence. Godly women and moms are a blessing from God.
Our scripture for today comes from Acts 7: 55 – 60. I hope that you will take the time to open your bibles and read this scripture. It is the account of the testimony and stoning of Stephen. His crime that resulted in his execution was testifying to the truth of the word of God and calling the Jewish leaders out for their rejection and crucifixion of God’s Son Jesus. Stephen became the first of many disciples of Jesus to die for their faith. This account always makes me think of my own resolve for my faith and causes us to question ourselves about our loyalty and our willingness to stand for our Savior in the face of ridicule and maybe even persecution. We have all seen the stories about churches and pastor’s who feel that they are being persecuted because they are being told not to gather in worship due to the pandemic. This is not true persecution, and in many ways, it gives a bad view of Christians and their leaders, and really sets the stage for real persecution to one day take place. When we go against civil authorities, something that is clearly unbiblical; we make it easier for the world to accept true persecution when it one day will be forced upon us. It is the equivalent to crying wolf. If you cry wolf when he is not really there, one day the wolf, in the form of the anti-Christ will be at the door and the cry will sound like normal from an over reacting church.
Here is what caught my attention in today’s scripture. Scripture tells us that after His ascension into heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God (Mark 16: 19). His sitting is evidence of having completed the work of redemption for which He was sent to earth. Yet when Stephen saw Jesus, He was standing. Why? There are two possible reasons. Some have suggested Jesus was standing to welcome Stephen into His presence in heaven as soon as he died. This would have been a tremendous reassurance to Stephen in light of what he knew he was about to experience.
Another idea was set forth by James M. Boice in his commentary on Acts. He refers to Jesus’ promise in Matthew 10: 32: “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. “ Boice suggests that Jesus was standing to confess Stephen to the Father. Perhaps Jesus was saying something like; Stephen is my follower; He is confessing Me; I am bringing him with Me into heaven forever. What a wonderful thought for God’s people. We know that Jesus stands for us as our advocate before the Father as we go through this life, but this is a wonderful picture to keep in our minds. We always wonder what it will be like when we face that moment of death. What will we see, what will we open our eyes to? Jesus standing before God the Father, arms wide open to welcome us into heaven and introducing us to His Father and ours as His followers. If we acknowledge Him before others, He will also acknowledge us before His Father. Is Jesus Lord of Lords and King of Kings over your life? When push comes to shove, when inconvenience becomes real persecution, when you are called upon to take a stand for what you truly believe, will you confess Jesus? If your answer is yes, when your day comes and you make it to heaven, Jesus will stand for you.
In Christ’s Love and Peace
Pastor Bob
9 May 2020
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