
To God’s People, My Flock at Marion

As your pastor I have been praying for God’s peace to fill you during this time of uncertainty. When we watch the news it can leave us feeling alarmed and worried about the circumstances that we are facing. Most, if not all of us, have never seen or lived through such a time as this. One thing that the news will not tell you is that God is still in control and looking out for His people. I am reminded of the stories of the early church. Many times they had to hunker down in their homes, unable to openly worship and practice their faith. I am always impressed by the fact that these limitations did not stunt the growth of Christ’s church but instead, it thrived and grew. I believe that we have that same opportunity to take advantage of the blessing that God has provided. Don’t get me wrong, this virus is an awful thing, but God can and will turn all things for good to those who love Him. We have an opportunity during this down time to practice our faith and be the Church, the body of Christ that God has called us to be. I urge you to call one another, text and email one another, use whatever means that are available to you in order to minister to and take care of your brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a time to practice the disciplines of our faith. I find it fascinating and not coincidental that this is taking place during Lent. It seems that God is saying, be still and know that I am God. Sometimes, I believe that God puts us in a position where He can work on us. I want you to call me if you have a need, if you just need to talk, or want me to pray for you over the phone. I am looking for ways that we can connect but please always know I am praying for you and I hope that you will pray for me and for one another This will not last forever; we will worship together soon, but while we wait let us use this time to glorify God and to draw closer to Him. You will be hearing from me soon and often until we can gather together once again as Gods family.

In Christ’s Love and Peace
Your Pastor

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